A board-on-board fence is pretty much the only way to get true privacy from a wood fence. People that are considering getting a wood privacy fence often have the misconception that it will provide them with complete privacy, but that's not the case. If you get close to a typical privacy fence, you will see that there's space between the pickets allowing you to see between them, and there's not a whole lot you can do about it.
The main reason for the space between the pickets is the fact that wood shrinks as it dries out and treated lumber is rarely ever completely dried out when you purchase it. Therefore, even if your fence is 100% private when it is first built, it will probably end up with spaces between each picket. In addition to shrinkage, you also have to take in to consideration that most privacy pickets don't cost a whole lot, because they're not a high-grade of wood. This means that they're often rough and usually are not completely straight. This makes it very difficult to get the pickets to fit close enough together at the top and bottom so that you can't see between them at all.
The best way to remedy these problems is to install a board-on-board fence. It doesn't matter if the boards aren't perfectly straight or shrink, you will get complete privacy. This is because this type of fence doesn't get its privacy by butting the pickets together. It's achieved by covering the space between each picket with another picket.
It starts out being built just like a typical privacy fence. The posts are installed in the same manner. Then, the runners (horizontal 2x4's that the pickets get attached to) are installed like usual. The differences start when the pickets begin to get installed. Instead of placing each picket right next to the previous one, they are spaced around two inches apart on average. At this point, it looks like a regular picket fence that you can obviously see through with ease. What gives it total privacy is the next step. This is when another layer of pickets are added with the center of them placed directly over the gaps between the pickets from the first layer.
There's also another style of board-on-board fence that most people aren't familiar with. This one resembles siding on a house. Instead of 2 layers of pickets, there's only one layer with this version. It's made by having each picket slightly overlap the previous picket by an inch or two. When it's done, there won't be any spaces that people can peek through. It also doesn't require quite as much wood as the other style.
You will want to keep in mind that these types of fences will cost you a little more than the average privacy fence. This is because they require more material and take longer to build. Although, they are significantly less expensive than most other types of fences that give complete privacy such as vinyl, brick, stone, etc. If you want complete privacy from your fence, board-on-board is going to be the most economical and efficient way to achieve while improving the look of your property. There are some other alternatives such as using tin that would cost less but won't look near as nice.
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